Advertising Creations is a woman owned company that truly cares about every order.

Over the years our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients is complemented by our industry knowledge, innovative solutions, creative ideas, excellent prices, and on time delivery have made us a vital resource for our clientele.

Customers have described us as a "valued asset to their company" and remark on our service as "exceeding our expectations". Our clients have come to rely on our expertise to come up with the perfect match to best suit their need.

We can help you get your name out there with a promotional product that will:
.......enhance your presence and image
.......increase booth traffic at trade shows
.......generate a higher response with a direct mail promotion
.......act as a reminder of your goods or services
.......say thanks to your customers

Assist with promotional products for your employees to:
.......boost employee moral--say you're appreciated
.......award for safety and attendance
.......motivate Sales Staff
.......make events or meetings memorable

Contact us today! We would be pleased to discuss your promotional product needs.